Muhamad Nanang Suprayogi, S.Psi, M.Si, Ph.D

Muhamad Nanang Suprayogi, S.Psi, M.Si, Ph.D

Lecturer Specialist I D3491
Jl. Kemangisan Ilir III No. 45 Palmerah Jakarta Barat

Teaching Courses:

Innovative teaching strategies

School Psychology

Psychology of E-Learning



PhD Ghent University, Belgium, 2017

Master of Psychology, UPI YAI Jakarta Indonesia, 2008

Bachelor of Psychology, UIN Jakarta, Indonesia, 2002


Academic Experience

Lecturer Specialist, present

Research Coordinator, 2018-2023

Subject Content Coordinator, 2011-2017

Subject Content Specialist, 2009-2011


Personal Development

Reporting: Data Analytics and Visualization: 2022

Teaching Strategy for Student with Special Educational Needs: Mental Development: 2022

Multi Channel Learning: Rules and Conduct in BINUS University: 2022

Conducting Video Conference in Combined Lecturer and Combined Laboratory Class 2021

World Class Professor 2020: Scientific Writing

Quantitative methodology Research using Lisrel 2019





Research Interest

Educational psychology, Self-efficacy, Differentiated Instruction, Social Emotional Learning, Motivation, Goal Orientation, Religion


Suprayogi, M. N., Pradipto, Y. D., & Ahmad, R. B. (2023, April). The commitment of health workers the effect of transformational leadership charismatic leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic. In AIP Conference Proceedings(Vol. 2594, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

Pradipto, Y. D., Suprayogi, M. N., & Ahmad, R. B. (2023, April). The effects of charismatic leadership and transformational leadership on job performance among health workers during the Covid-19 pandemic with the commitment as the mediator. In AIP Conference Proceedings(Vol. 2594, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

Ianah, A., & Suprayogi, M. N. (2022). Gambaran Kesejahteraan Subjectif Santri di Masa Pendemi COVID-19. Business Economic, Communication, and Social Sciences Journal (BECOSS)4(3), 189-195.

Suprayogi, M. N., Valcke, M., & Mohamed, Z. (2022). Differentiated Instruction in Public and Private Schools in Indonesia.

Suprayogi, M. N., & Rachmawati, M. A. (2022). HUBUNGAN ANTARA KONTROL DIRI DENGAN EMPATI PADA SISWA SMP GLOBAL ISLAMIC SCHOOL (GIS). AL-WIJDÁN: Journal of Islamic Education Studies7(1).

Christy, B. Y., & Suprayogi, M. N. (2022, April). Peer Social Support and Academic Self-Efficacy Among Freshmen Students. In 3rd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2021)(pp. 1698-1702). Atlantis Press.

Suprayogi, M. N., Sulaeman, B., & Baydhowi, B. (2022, April). Differentiated Instruction Implementation: A Survey Study Among Elementary School Teachers. In 3rd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2021)(pp. 1687-1691). Atlantis Press.

Suprayogi, M., & Aljufri, R. (2020, March). Does the Religious Coping has an Effect on Perceived Stress?. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Religion and Mental Health, ICRMH 2019, 18-19 September 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Suprayogi, M. N., Ratriana, L., & Wulandari, A. P. J. (2019, March). The interplay of academic efficacy and goal orientation toward academic achievement. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series(Vol. 1175, No. 1, p. 012132). IOP Publishing.

Suprayogi, M. N., Valcke, M., & Godwin, R. (2017). Teachers and their implementation of differentiated instruction in the classroom. Teaching and teacher education67, 291-301.

Ong, V., Rahmanto, A. D., Suhartono, D., Nugroho, A. E., Andangsari, E. W., & Suprayogi, M. N. (2017, September). Personality prediction based on Twitter information in Bahasa Indonesia. In 2017 federated conference on computer science and information systems (FedCSIS)(pp. 367-372). IEEE.

Suprayogi, M. N., & Valcke, M. (2016). Differentiated instruction in primary schools: Implementation and challenges in Indonesia. Ponte Journal72(6), 2-18.

Member of (if any)

  • Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) Jakarta 2011-present
  • Asosiasi Psikologi Islam Banten 2023 – present
  • Asosiasi Psikologi Pendidikan Indonesia 2011-present

Certification or Professional Registration

  • Harvard Graduate School of Education: Differentiated Instruction Made Practical (2021)
  • Differentiated Instruction: accommodating diverse student Profile, Monash University (2021)
  • Psychological First Aid, John Hopkin University, Maryland, United States. (2021)
  • Lumina Learning practitioner (2019)

Research Grant

Hibah Penelitian International Binus 2023 (Ketua): Evaluating the implementation of differentiated instruction in higher education

Hibah Penelitian International Binus 2023 (Anggota): Mapping digital literacy, communication patterns and information processing of special-need students in higher education environments for better teaching and learning process

Hibah Penelitian Terapan Binus 2023 (Ketua): Pengembangan Digital Learning Path Untuk Pelajaran Sains Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Hibah Penelitian Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) 2022 (anggota): Implementasi Pembelajaran Sosial dan Emosional pada Sekolah Dasar

Hibah Penelitian International Binus 2021 (anggota): Peran leadership terhadap team work: pefektivitas interaksi dan kapasitas kolaborasi

Hibah Dikti 2020 (anggota): Pengembangan sekolah aman dan damai dalam memfasilitasi penguatan karakter berbasis nilai-nilai budaya lokal

Hibah Penelitian International Binus 2020 (anggota): Peran Leadership Terhadap Teamwork: Efektivitas Interaksi dan Kapasitas Kolaborasi

Hibah Penelitian Terapan Binus 2019 (ketua): Implementasi Differentiated Instruction Guna Pemenuhan Hak Didik Siswa

Hibah Dikti 2019 (anggota): Pengembangan sekolah aman dan damai dalam memfasilitasi penguatan karakter berbasis nilai-nilai budaya lokal

Hibah Penelitian Terapan Binus (2012) Ketua: Motivasi belajar bahasa mandarin sebagai bahasa kedua


Beasiswa kuliah S1 dari Yayasan Supersemar 1998-2021

Beasiswa Thesis S2 dari Kementrian Agama Republik Indonesia, 2008

Beasiswa S3 dari Lotus Erasmus Mundus Uni Eropa, 2012-2015

Beasiswa Post Doctoral dari Vlir-Uos Pemerintah Belgia 2017-2018