Hello everyone! My name is M. Kalif Nur Ramadhan (2502022175), I am a student majoring in Psychology at BINUS University Kemanggisan. On the 28th of May 2024, I had the pleasure of becoming a committee member for a workshop during my internship as a Learning Support member for the Psychology Department at BINUS University Kemanggisan. The workshop took place in Campus Kijang specifically in the Kijang Function Chamber (KFC), the event had four speakers who shared their expertise in their respective fields related to Applying Individualized Education. The workshop is a hybrid workshop which means that it is also able to be viewed online via Zoom.

My job in this workshop is to be responsible for dealing with showing all the materials that are needed for their presentation to the projector in the front of the room as well as to Zoom for the participants that are participating online, moving the camera so the speakers are in the frame for the Online participant, and I also had to deal with all the technical issue that appears while the event was ongoing. For things related to the workshop but not the ongoing event such as the e-certificate, I was responsible for sending the e-certificate to the participants. Under the guidance of Mr. Muhamad Nanang Suprayogi as the person in charge of this workshop, I could do my job as a committee member relatively well despite some hiccups that happened.

From this experience of becoming a committee member in an International Workshop, I have improved my ability to work under pressure especially if there is problems that would need to be solved quickly. One of the things that happened in the workshop was that suddenly the internet on campus became inaccessible due to maintenance to the server that is happening which meant I had to quickly find a way so that the seminar could continue, to solve that issue I ended up doing is to use my mobile network hotspot so that the workshop could continue until the Wi-Fi on campus is back up, and that thankfully works. That stressful situation helped me develop the ability to stay calm under pressure to resolve issues that may arrive unexpectedly.

In summary, my experience as a committee member in this workshop has been one of the most beneficial events during my internship as a Learning Support member. It has helped contribute to my personal growth in both technical and soft skills. I want to say how thankful I am for the opportunity given to me by my Site Supervisor Ms. Melly Preston and also to Psychology Department of BINUS University who has trusted our team to help run this event.

Penulis : M Kalif Nur Ramadhan – 2502022175
Editor : Melly Preston, S.Psi., M.Si. & Angelique Aurellia