First of all I’d like to congratulate our very new MOW and Statistics lab assistants for the odd semester. This induction training is a symbolic moment that states you are now officially our work partners for the whole odd semester in September.

I really hope a very new vibrant team work and atmosphere. and may we all coordinate very well to each other regarding all class sharing and discussions in the future.

This Induction training is divided into two different sessions.

First session will be presented by The head of psychology lab, Mrs. Esther Widhi Andangsari, M.Si., Psikolog.  In this session, Ibu Esther explained about the importance of having a passion, life goals and how all of this correlates to their choices as lab assistants may help them in reaching their goals. Ibu Esther emphasize that becoming lab assistants for this two basic lectures is very important because, observation & interview and statistics are two of the core competencies for the psychology undergraduate. By choosing to become lab assistants, they can work and train more the soft skills they already have and develop other soft skills too. When you choose to become lab assistants for the psychology department, remember, you are helping us to reach our vision and mission for binus 2020. That is why Ibu Esther hopes and demands that all of the lab assistants to have a very good commitment and integrity regarding the choices that they’ve made.


There is always a choice in life, you can take any kinds of decision you wanted. What matters is that you should always know the reason why or the motives why you pick that certain decision. -Mrs. Esther Widhi Andangsari

Second session is presented by the practicum coordinator, Mr. Budi Sulaeman. This session is a very technical session. This session explained about the overview of activities that will happen in the next semester and how the teaching scheme will be for the new lab assistants.


Things to be noticed:

  1. Statistics lab assistants will do one more meeting for computer briefing in anggrek campus with the SLC team
  2. MOW lab assistants will do another meeting for making overview material with practicum coordinator in kijang campus.
  3. For those (lab assistants) who cannot attend this meeting(s) including the induction training must inform the lab team immediately.

The new semester is only in days count, now. let’s do our best!

-Psychology Lab-