
Subject Content Coordinator (Research Method)

Educational Background

Bachelor of Science in Psychology (2003) in University of Southern Indiana, U.S

Master of Science in Psychological Research (2004) in University of Sheffield, U.K

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychological Research (2009) in University of Sheffield, U.K

Research Interest

Children and media

Children eye testimony


Blades, M. & Ali, M. (forthcoming, 2013). Advertising to children in new media.

In M. Blades, C. J. Oates, F. Blumberg & B. Gunter (Eds.), Advertising to

children. New issues and new media. Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Ali, M., Blades, M., Oates, C., & Blumberg, F. (2009). Young children’s ability to recognize advertisements in Web page designs. British Journal of Developmental Psychology.

Conference Proceeding:

Ali, M., & Blades, M. (2005, Apr).  Children’s understanding of advertising: Do non-verbal methods indicate an early awareness of advertising. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, US.

Ali, M., & Blades, M. (2006, Sep). Are there developmental differences in children’s ability to recognize advertisements on Web pages? Poster presented at British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference, London, UK.

Ali, M., Blades, M. (2007, March). Non-verbal measures of young children’s understanding of television advertising. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, USA.

Ali, M., Blades, M., & Oates, C. (2008, Jul).  Young children cannot recognize Internet advertisements. Poster presented at Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Aberdeen, UK.

Ali, M., Blades, M., & Oates, C. (2009, April). Children’s ability to recognize advertisements on Web pages in the UK and in Indonesia. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, USA

Current Research Project

Analisis Isi Iklan di Indonesia

Past Research Project

Children’s ability to recognize advertisements on Web pages in the UK and in Indonesia

Non-verbal measures of young children’s understanding of television advertising


Hibah Mandiri untuk Doktor dari BINUS University (2013)

Professional Affiliations

Indonesian Psychological Association (Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia/HIMPSI), DKI Jakarta

Reserach Interest (2016-2019):

Tahun 1: Content analysis tentangan tayangan televise (sinetron, berita, sosial media, co: youtube) remaja dan anak.

Tahun 2: Dampak tayangan televisi terhadap agresivitas remaja (menggunakan social learning theory, bandura).

Tahun 3: Intervensi pada anak.

Tahun 4: Pendapat orangtua tentang tayangan di televisi, dan intervensi pada orangtua.